Project Description

Please note: the Naylon conservation easement is private property. 

The Naylon conservation easement is located within the narrow migration corridor and winter range of the Round Valley mule deer herd. It also includes areas of Water Birch Riparian Scrub, which has been designated by the state as a rare and threatened natural community type.

Mule deer, bobcat, black bear, mountain lion, and other wildlife can be found on this property. Bird species of local interest include northern goshawk, loggerhead shrike, yellow warbler, and olive sided flycatcher.

The Naylon’s property also conserves important scenic qualities. As seen from Swall Meadows and the surrounding public lands, this lovely, large area of open space provides stunning views of the Sierra range.

Click here to learn more about conservation in Swall Meadows and the Round Valley mule deer

Conservation Projects Along the Migration Corridor:


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