Project Description
Please note: the Ingram conservation easement is private property.
One of Eastern Sierra Land Trust’s very first completed conservation projects, the Ingram conservation easement was donated to ESLT in 2003 by Karen Ferrell-Ingram and Stephen Ingram. The Ingrams played a central role in founding Eastern Sierra Land Trust and helping the organization grow. Karen has worn many hats over the years, including former Lands Director and Executive Director of ESLT; and Stephen served on ESLT’s Advisory Board for over a decade. Without their dedication and purposefulness, Eastern Sierra Land Trust — and so many of our conservation successes — would not be here today.
The Ingram conservation easement protects important winter range and migration corridor habitat for the Round Valley mule deer herd. On this property, healthy stands of antelope bitterbrush, a key food source for the deer, provide important nutrients during the winter months.
Other wildlife – such as mountain lion, grey fox, coyote, western and mountain bluebirds, and red-tail hawks – can also be seen in the property’s meadows and riparian areas.
The Ingram conservation easement shares a corner with two other properties that are protected through conservation easements held by ESLT, allowing for greater connectivity for wildlife.
Learn more about conservation in Swall Meadows and the Round Valley mule deer.