Have you wondered what you can do to ensure that the lands you love, the magic of the Eastern Sierra’s rugged peaks, the expansive meadows, are here for your kids and grandkids to enjoy?

Perhaps you want to ensure that wildlife always have the home and habitat they need, or that local families can conserve and work the ranches that have been part of our community for generations.

You can leave a lasting legacy here in the Eastern Sierra – a legacy of conservation. With your planned gift to ESLT, you’ll join our Legacy Circle: a special group of ESLT supporters who have made a commitment to land protection that will continue to have an impact, long beyond their lifetimes.

With estate planning tools such as bequests in a will or trust, IRA designations, or gifts of life insurance, you can continue to conserve the Eastern Sierra you love and inspire future generations to treasure these special places. It’s a gift that, no matter the size, will benefit people from all walks of life, and the wildlife that depend on these landscapes as well. For many special places, it will make the difference between conservation and subdivisions.

Make a Planned Gift

If you are interested in learning more about planned giving options, please contact Kay Ogden, ESLT Executive Director today at (760) 873-4554 for a confidential conversation about what feels right to you.

If you have already made the decision to include ESLT in your will or estate plan, please let us know. We want to thank you and honor you as a member of our Legacy Circle.

Other Benefits of Planned Giving

With a planned gift, you will be making an impact on our wild and working lands that will be felt long into the future. There are other benefits to this decision, too:

  • A charitable bequest may place your estate in a lower tax bracket.
  • Charitable gifts made through your will are 100% deductible for estate tax purposes.
  • Bequests may be written as a percentage, residual, or specific monetary amount. Retirement funds and life insurance are additional methods for providing charitable contributions through your estate.

To learn more about planned giving options and joining our Legacy Circle, please contact us