ESLT Celebrates 10 Years!

The festivities at ESLT's 10th birthday party. Familiar faces, new friends, a lively band, good food and great company—all the ingredients for a successful party! ESLT had just the right mix Saturday to celebrate 10 years of land preservation. The energy in the room was contagious. Lots of proud moments of what has been accomplished in the first 10 years of ESLT's existence were shared. What started with the vision of a …continue reading

2017-03-03T11:08:55-08:00March 28th, 2011|Blog, Volunteer|

Fall Colors

This year has been incredible for fall colors in the Eastern Sierra. The warm sunny days and cold nights of September hinted at potentially fantastic fall color, and October has not disappointed. Storms bringing snow to the peaks and rain to the valleys has made our region especially photogenic this fall. ~Stephen Ingram

2017-03-03T11:08:55-08:00October 20th, 2010|Blog|

Spring is in the Air!

Trees are budding, birds are returning and filling the air with their melodies, plants are starting to green up, and color is popping up from bulbs in gardens. Spring is being ushered into the Eastern Sierra as the ‚Äòofficial' first day approaches! Here, at ESLT, we are anticipating a great season with lots of activity in our garden and on the land. We'll kick it off with a Garden Fest …continue reading

2017-03-10T14:14:32-08:00March 19th, 2010|Blog|

GPS workshop a success!

Last Saturday 14 interested folks came out to our Crowley Hilltop Preserve to learn about working with Global Positioning Systems (GPS). This fun group had signed up for the workshop to become more familiar with their own receivers or learn more before getting one of their own. The group included people who had never touched a GPS before to those who use them regularly for work, and even a couple who is …continue reading

2017-03-10T14:14:34-08:00November 23rd, 2009|Blog|

Wildlife Corridor Hike (and some plants too…)

Last Saturday, May 23, about 20 members and interested folks gathered above Swall Meadows for a hike through the the Wheeler Ridge Round Valley mule deer migration corridor led by our executive director Karen Ferrell-Ingram. We toured around the corridor looking at bugs, plants, wildlife, vistas (and thunderclouds!). The location was particularly good for illustrating what a narrow region the many deer and other wildlife must …continue reading

2017-03-10T14:14:49-08:00May 29th, 2009|Blog|

Conservation on the Computer

Sometimes it feels difficult to reconcile my interests in the outdoors and natural history with my more 'techie' interests. Though I most undoubtedly would rather spend my spare time strolling through the hills than squinting into the blue light of the computer, the truth is that I also really enjoy working with the new tools that technology provides. Some tools are more complex while others are quite user friendly. In my professional …continue reading

2017-03-03T11:08:55-08:00February 13th, 2009|Blog, Volunteer|
Eastern Sierra Land Trust