About Kristen Stipanov

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So far Kristen Stipanov has created 68 blog entries.

Join our virtual Lands & Legacy Celebration, from...

Lands & Legacy 12th Annual Celebration August 27th - September 3rd, 2020 Nature • Health • Peace If you've been waiting to step back into Eastern Sierra peace, then we have great news. Our 12th annual Lands & Legacy Celebration is right around the corner, and we're bringing the magic to you, wherever you are. Register Here   Registration fee: $25, with a 10% discount for ESLT members. If you're a …continue reading

Apply by July 24th, 2020! Become an AmeriCorps...

Marie Ring, ESLT's Education Coordinator and AmeriCorps member from 2018-2020, removes invasive Tule, improving wildlife habitat at one of ESLT's properties, Benton Hot Springs Ranch. © ESLT Do you love the Eastern Sierra? Are you looking for a way to give back to our land and community? Apply today to become ESLT's next AmeriCorps Member! Eastern Sierra Land Trust and the Sierra Nevada AmeriCorps Partnership (SNAP) are seeking an enthusiastic, …continue reading

2020-07-20T15:30:19-07:00July 14th, 2020|Blog, Featured, On the Wild Side, Press Releases, SNAP, What's New|

Staying Connected From Home

We're in this together! That's a mantra of our ESLT team right now as we work to keep connecting with each other and with you, each from our own homes. This year has brought many new challenges, and your ongoing support helps us to meet them with grace and flexibility. So, how are you staying connected? We'll share some tools that we're relying on to stay in touch during this time of …continue reading

2021-08-12T14:08:48-07:00July 8th, 2020|Blog, Featured, Membership, What's New|

Another Layer of Protection for Black Lake Preserve

Black Lake Preserve © Randy Keller, ESLT Board of Directors Follow Highway 120 northwest from Benton and you'll enter Adobe Valley. There, distant mountain peaks frame wide expanses of fragrant, blooming sagebrush. Native Americans once used this valley as a trading and hunting route, traversing vast fields where wildlife like pronghorn, pygmy rabbits, and more abound. Crowds of Bi-State sage-grouse once gathered here in traditional annual mating dances, on dancing …continue reading

Paycheck Protection Program Support

We're proud to announce that this spring, Eastern Sierra Land Trust applied for and successfully received funds through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). The recent federal CARES Act created the PPP, which supports small businesses and nonprofits like ESLT in keeping workers on their payroll. Here at ESLT, we've created core values to guide us through decisions and challenges. They include earning and honoring the trust of our supporters and maintaining a …continue reading

2021-08-12T14:10:44-07:00June 29th, 2020|Featured, What's New|

Making Highway 395 Safer for Mule Deer

A mule deer doe dashes across a road. © Joe Riis Stand by Highway 395 today, and two minutes may go by without the roar and burst of breeze from a passing car. California issued stay-at-home orders to stop the spread of coronavirus this spring, during what happened to be peak mule deer migration season. That means that for the first time in decades, the Round Valley mule deer herd …continue reading

2020-05-28T14:26:07-07:00May 27th, 2020|Blog, Featured, On the Wild Side|
ESLT volunteer couple Roberta Lagomarsini and Pete Pumphrey pose with Smokey the Bear.

Volunteer Spotlight: Roberta

This month, we're getting to know ESLT volunteer Roberta Lagomarsini. You might recognize Roberta from last Saturday's great Virtual Victory Garden Workshop, where she demonstrated drip irrigation tricks and tactics! Or you might recognize her from her whole host of other involvements with ESLT; Roberta has been a dedicated member of our volunteer team for years. She has been deeply involved in our Eastside Pollinator Garden project, has helped us host events …continue reading

2021-08-12T14:14:08-07:00May 21st, 2020|Blog, Featured, Membership, On the Wild Side, Volunteer, What's New|

Sharing Hope at ESLT’s Giving Tree

ESLT Stewardship Manager Sara hung a message on ESLT's Giving Tree last week, while Communications Manager Kristen photographed her from six feet away. If you live in the Bishop area, we have just the thing to help get you outside and lift your spirits. If you've visited our office at 250 N Fowler Street lately, perhaps you've already seen it! Our own Executive Director Kay Ogden started a trend of …continue reading

2020-06-29T22:05:03-07:00May 20th, 2020|Featured, What's New|

Welcome to Cami, ESLT’s Finance Manager

Cami Chavez has worked with our team here at ESLT for many years, and now we're excited to welcome her on board as an official member of our staff! We recently spoke with Cami to get to know her a bit better and hear about her life on the Eastside. What are your roots? I was raised in South Lake Tahoe until I was eight, when my family moved to Woodfords, California. …continue reading

2020-05-13T10:15:02-07:00May 12th, 2020|Featured, What's New|

Discover Springtime’s Peace

Desert peaches, or prunus andersonii, are in bloom this April in the Eastern Sierra foothills. © ESLT Across California and beyond, the birds are singing and flowers are blooming. As we all continue to #StayHome, we can find grounding and gratitude in the signs of the changing seasons. Are you and your little ones noticing them in the nature near your home? Studies show that nature's healing power is real, …continue reading

2020-04-22T12:36:27-07:00April 22nd, 2020|Blog, Featured, Membership, On the Wild Side, What's New|
Eastern Sierra Land Trust