Marie Ring, ESLT’s Education Coordinator and AmeriCorps member from 2018-2020, removes invasive Tule, improving wildlife habitat at one of ESLT’s properties, Benton Hot Springs Ranch. © ESLT
Do you love the Eastern Sierra? Are you looking for a way to give back to our land and community? Apply today to become ESLT’s next AmeriCorps Member!
Eastern Sierra Land Trust and the Sierra Nevada AmeriCorps Partnership (SNAP) are seeking an enthusiastic, conservation-minded young leader to commit to eleven months of service to protecting this region’s natural resources and wildlife habitat. This full-term SNAP member will serve full-time from October 15th, 2020 through September 18th, 2021.
This AmeriCorps member will fill the role of ESLT’s Education Coordinator, and will work on a variety of educational and community-based projects with a high level of responsibility and creative freedom. They will lead our Eastside Pollinator Garden Project, now in its 7th year of certifying pollinator-friendly gardens across the Eastern Sierra region. They will also be responsible for organizing youth and adult environmental education programs, field trips, seminars, workshops, and volunteer-driven stewardship events on the land. These events may either be virtual or in-person, and will adapt to changing health guidelines and the state of the COVID-19 crisis.
The application deadline for this position is July 24th, so apply soon via the SNAP website! For a complete service description, information on compensation and benefits and application instructions, visit https://sierranevadaalliance.org/snap-position-descriptions/.
ESLT has hosted talented SNAP members for 6- and 11-month service terms every year since the Sierra Nevada Alliance began the program in 2007. These AmeriCorps members have positively impacted our region through their work on pollinator-friendly gardening, land conservation, and habitat restoration, and they have inspired our community through their education and outreach.

Ryan Delaney, ESLT’s 2017-2018 Education Coordinator and AmeriCorps Member, leads a class at the Bishop Paiute Tribe’s Conservation Open Space Area (COSA). Teaching local kids about birds, bees, blooms, and the magic of nature is one of the important and fun jobs that ESLT’s AmeriCorps Member takes on each year. Photo courtesy of COSA.