Lands & Legacy 2022 Matching Gift

We are excited to announce a very generous matching gift of $21,000 from an anonymous ESLT supporter to honor 21,000 acres of land protected in 21 years! This outstanding gift will match donations made for our August 25th Paddle Raise up to $21,000 - your donation will double while saving more land in the Eastern Sierra. The permanent protection of 21,000 acres of Eastern Sierra land is a remarkable feat - …continue reading

2022-08-16T16:50:10-07:00August 16th, 2022|Blog, Celebrations, Lands & Legacy|

Bi-State Sage-Grouse Listing Decision Update

Photo: Bob Wick, BLM Bi-State sage-grouse on the border of California and Nevada are a genetically distinct population of sage-grouse, and are a beloved species here in the Eastern Sierra. These iconic ambassadors of the sagebrush ecosystem are considered an “umbrella species” because their populations tend to indicate the health of the overall sagebrush ecosystem. Because the Bi-State population is small and isolated, they have had a long history of …continue reading

2022-08-04T14:39:48-07:00August 4th, 2022|Blog|
Lone Pine Tribal Environmental Youth Camp

Lone Pine Tribal Environmental Youth Camp

Our Education Coordinator and AmeriCorps Member, Claire, taught a lesson about plants and pollinators last week at the Lone Pine Tribal Environmental Youth Camp. Claire led a group of 22 campers on a plant scavenger hunt, played a pollination relay race game, and ended with the Farmer Game, a variation on tag involving vegetables. The kids found some interesting plants and learned about insect galls during the scavenger hunt. During the pollinator …continue reading

2022-08-01T14:06:08-07:00August 1st, 2022|Blog, SNAP|
Amanda Serenyi, ESLT's Membership Coordinator

Welcome Amanda Serenyi, our new Membership Coordinator!

Welcome to Amanda Serenyi! Our ESLT team is thrilled that Amanda has joined us as our new Membership Coordinator.  Amanda comes to us with an impressive accounting background in the non-profit and land trust sphere. Amanda began working with us in June and is excited to join the ESLT team. To help you get to know Amanda better, we asked her a few questions about her background and interests: Tell us about …continue reading

2022-07-18T15:42:50-07:00July 18th, 2022|Blog, Featured, Membership, What's New|

Earth Day Youth Art Contest Winners/Showing

During April and May, kids from across the Eastern Sierra submitted art to ESLT’s Earth Day Youth Art Contest. The art and accompanying descriptions that we received were beautiful and moving. The submissions were also overwhelmingly hopeful.  The prompt had three choices that read: 1) If you were an animal or plant, what would you be? 2) How does nature make you feel? 3) What is your favorite place in nature? …continue reading

2022-10-03T16:11:27-07:00July 14th, 2022|Blog, SNAP|
Cover page to the 2022 Spring/Summer edition of SierraScapes.

Our Spring/Summer SierraScapes Newsletter Is Here!

Our Spring/Summer SierraScapes Newsletter has arrived! An online edition, packed with conservation updates and stories, can be read here. Inside, you'll find a celebration of the conservation easements at Centennial Point Ranch and Ullman Ranch, stories highlighting ESLT's role in conservation efforts such as the Mammoth Lakes 395 Wildlife Crossing and 30 by 30 Initiative, and much much more. Note that the original printed version contained a mistake on page two that …continue reading

2022-07-13T15:16:24-07:00July 13th, 2022|Blog, What's New|

Pollinator Week 2022: How You Can Help Pollinators

Happy National Pollinator Week! We hope you learned some surprising facts and fun tidbits about pollinators. The last blog post for National Pollinator Week is about how we can all help the pollinators that are so important for healthy ecosystems and for food production. In addition to the list below, please visit Pollinator Partnership for a comprehensive guide. Plants to Help Pollinators Some of the species discussed over the past week are …continue reading

2022-06-27T14:11:27-07:00June 26th, 2022|Blog, SNAP|

Pollinator Week 2022: Bumblebees

Bumblebees as Pollinators Bumblebees need no introduction. These cute, fuzzy bees are native to North America and are important pollinators for native plants and crops. There are 49 species in North America and all are part of the genus Bombus. Unlike the miner bees from Tuesday’s blog post, bumblebees are social. A queen finds a nest after winter, often underground, and produces a few generations of worker bees over the summer. The …continue reading

2022-06-25T19:00:19-07:00June 25th, 2022|Blog, SNAP|

Pollinator Week 2022: Moths

©Harvey Schmidt Moths as Pollinators Typically, people love butterflies and dislike the spooky moths that gather around our lights at night. Butterflies and moths are actually part of the same family, Lepidoptera, and moths outnumber butterflies 10 to 1. There are some behavioral and physical differences between the two, like the feathered antennae on moths compared to the club-like antennae found on butterflies. A common misconception is that all moths …continue reading

2022-06-23T18:55:32-07:00June 24th, 2022|Blog, SNAP|

Pollinator Week 2022: Bats

Bats as Pollinators Bats are important pollinators in desert and tropical climates. Although many species eat insects, there are several bats in the desert southwest that drink nectar including the lesser long-nosed bat and the Mexican long-tongued bat. During the summer, the lesser long-nosed bat (Leptonycteris curasoae yerbabuena) follows blooming flowers into New Mexico and Arizona, while the Mexican long-tongued bat (Choeronycteris mexicana) can be found in New Mexico, Texas, Arizona, and …continue reading

2022-06-23T17:49:57-07:00June 23rd, 2022|Blog, SNAP|
Eastern Sierra Land Trust