“It’s about the land.”

That’s something my grandfather said years ago.I recall him telling me how painful it was to watch his beloved ranch get turned from open and working land into houses in the outskirts of a growing community. “It’s about the land,” he said.

Our love of land is what brings us together.

From the towering Sierra peaks to the winding Owens River, the Eastern Sierra captivates us all. And the actions you take today will determine the future of this land you love.

And that’s what our Lands & Legacy Celebration is all about.

At Eastern Sierra Land Trust’s 9th annual Lands & Legacy on August 11 – 13th, our conservation community came together to celebrate the lands that are protected forever thanks to you. What a magical weekend we had full of laughter, inspiration, tears, and visions of the beautiful future that we can create, here in the Eastern Sierra.

And right before our eyes, these visions are becoming a reality.

That’s because Lands & Legacy is more than a wonderful celebration: it’s also a call to action. And at Lands & Legacy, supporters like you were ready to seize the moment.

During the Lands & Legacy Benefit Dinner Paddle Raise, guests jumped at the chance to support the projects and programs they care about most – causes that will have a major impact on the future of our lands and waters. Together with ticket sales, additional donations, and table sponsorships, this means Lands & Legacy exceeded our ambitious fundraising goal, raising more than any other event Eastern Sierra Land Trust has ever held.

This is a huge boost to local conservation.And the best part? These gifts will all go towards protecting the land, water, and wildlife you love, so that future generations can have the chance to love them, too.

Our hearts are overflowing with gratitude for those of you who joined us at Lands & Legacy and to all others who couldn’t be there, but who proudly stand behind our work to conserve the Eastern Sierra lands you treasure. Because of you, and through your generosity, we are making a difference. And we will continue to make a difference for you and your loved ones, for kids of all ages, for local families, and for those who come after us.

It’s about the land. And thanks to you, its legacy will endure for generations to come.

Lands & Legacy Benefit Dinner

Our thanks to Bill Dunlap for taking these photos at the Benefit Dinner!

Did you take pictures at Lands & Legacy? We’d love to see them – please remember to tag us when you post them on Facebook or Instagram, or simply email them to me at kay@eslt.org.

Our Benefit Dinner on August 12 was generously hosted againthis year by Mammoth Mountain Ski Resort at their stunning Parallax Restaurant. Rusty Gregory, Mary Walker, and the entire Mammoth Mountain Ski Resort team wereincredibly instrumental in making this event possible. We’re also deeply grateful to the generous individuals who sponsored tables at our Benefit Dinner: Tim & Pam Bartley, Ruth & Roger MacFarlane, Brynn Pewtherer and Tony & Sherryl Taylor, and Betsey Tyler.

To all of our sponsors – and to all others who helped make the evening such a tremendous success: thank you. Your support is already having a powerful impact on the Eastern Sierra’s future.

Lands & Legacy Preserved Lands Tours

What fun we had out on the land with you all! Our thanks go to historian Dale Johnson for sharing fascinating stories about the area’s history during our Green Creek Powerhouse Preserve tour, to volunteer Paul Page for demonstrating how drones like his can be used to advance our conservation efforts, and to landowner Bill Bramlette for protecting his Benton Hot Springs Ranch and sharing it with us on our tour.

I’ll say it again: it’s about the land. And to me, there’s nothing better than being out there with you, exploring some of the special places you’ve helped protect forever. Thank you again.