What does spring mean to you? Perhaps it’s a time to dust off your hiking boots and find your fishing gear. Or maybe you look forward to watching spindle-legged fawns frolic amongst the blooming sage. Is it the time to break ground and plant seeds in your garden? To watch calves romp in their pastures?

In this season of growth and renewal, your support of Eastern Sierra Land Trust will have a bigger impact than ever before.
Everywhere you look, spring is a time for hope. And this spring, you can bring hope to the Eastern Sierra: hope for working ranches and critical wildlife, hope for generations to come.
Whether you live in the Eastern Sierra, have a second home here, or visit frequently—in person or in spirit—this magnificent land holds a special place in your heart.Yet our regionfaces increased pressure to grow and develop in ways that threaten the very values that make this placeso unique. Working land and wildlife habitat is at risk of disappearing forever. And that’s why Eastern Sierra Land Trust needs your help.
If you’re not yet an ESLT member, now is the time to join us. As a member, you’llhelp create safe havens for iconic Eastern Sierra wildlife, conserve vital open spaces, and ensure that the next generation of kids will care about the lands and waters, just as you do.Your membership will leverage community partnerships and support local families in their conservation efforts. Many families cannot wait—and their land becomes at risk when they need to transfer it to the next generation. In short, there are tremendous opportunities to make significant conservation headway this spring.
Tax-deductible membership gifts begin at just $35, and the time to act is now. By joining ESLT as a new member or renewing your ESLT membership before the summer solstice on June 20, you’ll be entered in ESLT’s “Spring Forward” membership drawing for a seven-night stay for four at one of several premiere beachfront resorts in Mexico!
Becomingan ESLT member or renewing your membership is easy to do. You can donate securely on our website by clicking here, or you can send inyour membership gift through the mail to: Eastern Sierra Land Trust, PO Box 755, Bishop CA 93515.
Already a member? You can still participate in our Membership Drive! To be entered in our grand prizedrawing, join our Bristlecone Grove—where loyal members commit to supporting conservation all year long with automatic monthly gifts. Justclick here to visit our online donation page and choose to make a recurring monthly gift.
Conservation can’t happen without you. As a member of Eastern Sierra Land Trust, you help ensure that the lands you love and the wildlife you cherish will be here for generations to come. By joining with others like you who care about the future of the Eastern Sierra, you are making a world of difference—for today, and forever.