May 14 began bright, brisk, and breezy – we couldn’t have asked for a better day to spend out on the land with friends, celebrating the conservation of our Black Lake Preserve!
Partners from Eastern Sierra Audubon (ESAS) and California Native Plant Society – Bristlecone Chapter (CNPS) joined Eastern Sierra Land Trustto lead a tour exploringthis stunning property. Along the way, we enjoyed seeingsome of the diverse flora and fauna thatcan be seen at Black Lake this time of year. After birdwatching from a crest above the lake, we hiked along Black Lake’s alkaline shore to get a closer look at birds on the water and to search for interesting native plant species. And at the end of the tour, we all congregated in a grassy meadow overlooking the lake for a delicious lunch preparedon-siteby Marci and Chuck Satterfield of Wilderness Catering.
One of day’s tophighlights was getting to meet Michelle Browner,who we were all finally able to thank in-personfor the conservation of this beautifulproperty. Michelle fell in love with Black Lake nearly 20 years ago, and purchased this 482-acre parcel when it went up for sale in the early 90’s. In December 2014, Michelle took action to keep Black Lake wild long beyond her lifetime by donating thepropertyto ESLT.
Michelle Browner (in blue just left of center, with the strawhat), with friends who traveled from the Bay Area to join her in celebrating the conservation of Black Lake.
Thank you, Michelle, for your foresight and generosity. Because of you, this spectacularplace is now protected forever – and peopleand wildlife alike will experienceits wonders for generations to come.
We are grateful to all who joined us on May 14 and helpedmake our Black Lake Preserve Celebration so wonderful. In particular, thanks go to Kathy Duvall, Julie Anne Hopkins, and Steve McLaughlin of CNPS, and Hillary Behr and Santiago Escruceria of ESAS. Thanks also to all the friends and supporters who traveled from near and far to join us as wecelebrated the preservationof this specialplace.
Conservation depends on people like you who care – so thank you for your commitment to the future of our wild and working lands!
A few of the unusual and interestingplants we saw at the Black Lake Preserve:
- Cleomella parviflora (slender cleomella)
- Hesperochiron californicus
- Plagiobothrys parishii (Parish’s popcorn flower)
- Spartina gracilis (alkali cordgrass)
- Triglochin concinna var. debilis (slender arrow-grass)
- Triglochin maritima (saltmarsh arrow-grass)
A list of the birds spottedat the Black Lake Preserve:
- 3 Gadwall
- 4 Northern Pintail
- 6 Ruddy Duck
- 34 Eared Grebe
- 1 Double-crested Cormorant
- 6 American Coot
- 7 American Avocet
- 1 Wilson’s Phalarope
- 40 California Gull
- 20 Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon)
- 3 Mourning Dove
- 2 Loggerhead Shrike
- 5 Pinyon Jay
- 2 Common Raven
- 2 Sage Thrasher
- 1 Brewer’s Sparrow
- 3 Red-winged Blackbird
- 10 Yellow-headed Blackbird
- 4 Brewer’s Blackbird
Looks like a beautiful day for this special celebration…thanks for sharing.
I would love to come to some of these events and celebrations that are posted on the ESLT calendar but I live in Santa Cruz, I live alone, and I feel very selfish thinking about driving by myself. I am a master of combining bicycle with bus, train, and rapid transit but the connections to the Eastern Sierra are extremely limiting. Can you help me by putting me in touch with some of your Bay Area visitors (yes, I am assuming San Francisco Bay Area…). Thank you very much for your help in this. Cat Steele: or 831-420-7515.
Hello Cat! We’d love to see you on the Eastside more often – I’ll pass your note on to Kay and have her email you with some ideas and contacts! Thanks for reaching out,