Project Description
Please note: The DeChambeau Creek easement is private property
The donated DeChambeau Creek conservation easement sits at the very western edge of the Mono Basin, where the perennial spring-fed DeChambeau Creek drainage enters the lake basin. The property includes seasonal moist meadows, aspen groves, and sagebrush habitat.
Numerous wildlife species use this property and the associated waterway as habitat and a corridor between adjacent public lands and the lake basin below. Mule deer, black bear, mountain lion, coyotes, bobcats, striped and spotted skunks, gray fox, and long-tailed weasel are just a few of the many wild inhabitants that have been seen here. Of the 150 bird species that have been identified on the property, a few of local interest include Yellow warbler, Black-headed grosbeak, Western meadowlark, American kestrel, and MacGillivrayís warbler. The sensitive Willow flycatcher has been observed here as a migrant.
This private property has been homesteaded since the late 1800ís, and contains portions of the original Silvester and DeChambeau homesteads. Agriculture continues in the form of a small scale farm and garden.