Pollinator Garden Workshop
April 13, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Did you know that gardening with native plants can save you money and water? It’s true – native plants found in the Eastern Sierra are often drought tolerant and require less maintenance than lawns or high water-use plants. Native plants also attract pollinators like birds and butterflies that are essential for wildflowers and productive gardens.
Join us for an enlightening workshop learning from local experts to design, redesign, or improve your pollinator garden with best practices, techniques, and insight.
Date & Time: April 13 from 9:00am-12:00pm
NEW Location: Bishop City Auditorium. Next to City Hall on the corner of Line Street and Fowler Street. Entrance on Fowler Street.
Workshop Schedule
9:00-9:30 Morning Mingle Enjoy coffee and pastries generously provided by Looney Bean Coffee.
9:30-9:55 Design For Wildlife Learn how to design or redesign your pollinator garden with wildlife in mind. Presented by Pete Pumphrey- Eastern Sierra Audubon Society.
9:55-10:15 Backyard Birds Learn more about the birds that are likely to be found in your backyard, including how to identify them, and how you can contribute to citizen science. Presented by Gena Wood- Eastern Sierra Land Trust.
10:15- 10:45 Secret Life of Soils Learn more about your garden’s foundation, how soil supports the entire foodweb, and how you can improve your garden’s soil. Presented by Julie Fontaine- Habitat Restoration Specialist.
10:45-11:15 Water and Fire Learn the techniques effective of drip irrigation and how you can improve your garden and home’s risk of fire. Presented by Roberta Lagomarsini- UC Master Gardeners of Inyo and Mono Counties.
11:15-11:45 Planting with Natives & Native Plant Walk Learn best practices for including native plants in your garden and learn more about the ones you might want to incorporate into your garden. Presented by Katie Quinlan- California Native Plant Society, Bristlecone Chapter.
11:45-12:00 Wrap up and Questions
Space is limited, so please make sure to RSVP to if you wish to attend.
Thank you to the UC Master Gardeners, California Native Plant Society, and each presenter for their help in organizing this wonderful event.
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Please check back soon for new opportunities to get out, explore, and get involved in our conservation efforts here in the Eastern Sierra.