. . . preserved 224 acres of critical wildlife habitat.
- Naylon Conservation Easement (104 acres) and Wilson Conservation Project (60 acres) preserves critical habitat in the Round Valley mule deer migration corridor, ensuring safe passage for the mule deer during their bi-annual migration through Swall Meadows.
- Willow Flat Conservation Easement preserves 60 acres near the Sonora Junction, including a half mile stretch of the Little Walker River. The property provides the West Walker mule deer herd critical summer range.
. . . preserved 1318 acres of working farms and ranches.
- The Cinnamon Ranch Conservation Easement (600 acres) is a beautiful farm tucked under the towering White Mountains, north of Bishop. The ranch is an organic alfalfa farm, dating back 150 years to the first landowner, William Hamil, who founded the ranch in 1864.
- The Centennial Ranch Conservation Easement preserves an additional 718 acre easement next to an existing 6,390 acre easement. Centennial Ranch is a cattle grazing operation.
. . . partnered with a wide array of forward thinking landowners, agencies, and organizations
- California Wildlife Conservation Board, California Farmland Conservancy Program, Sierra Nevada Conservancy, Caltrans Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation Program, NRCS Farm and Ranchland Protection Program, and the California Deer Association
. . . connected with over 2,600 people as part of our Community Connections program.
- ESLT’s AmeriCorps member taught environmental education to over 230 students through restoration projects, field trips, workshops and youth programs.
- ESLT staff, board, and volunteers connected with over 2,400 members of the community at land trust events.
. . . was awarded accreditation by the Accreditation Commission.
- The accreditation sealindicates to the public that ESLT meets national standards for excellence, upholds the public trust, and ensures that conservation efforts are permanent.
- This seal is a mark of distinction in land conservation.
- ESLT is one of only 135 land trusts across the country that have received this recognition.
. . . engaged over 100 volunteers who gave more than 2,276 hours of their time, advice, and energy.
. . . hosted the 3rd annual Art for Conservation Show & Sale in Mammoth Lakes.
- ESLT partnered with over 60 artists featuring works in all mediums. The artists’ donated 50% of their sales to ESLT to support our important conservation work.
- The artwork depicted in the show included scenes from working farms and ranches, wildlife habitat, outdoor recreation and the many scenic views that reflect the human and natural history of the Eastern Sierra.
. . . began work to complete the native fish restoration project at Benton Hot Springs Ranch.
- ESLT partnered with US Fish & Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Game, and landowner Bill Bramlette
- Goal is to re-establish a population of the vulnerable native speckled dace fish in the ponds at Benton Hot Springs Ranch conservation easement
- 4 person crew began work in Winter 2011 to manually remove the invasive hardstem bulrush
- Spring 2012 next phase will begin with planting natives