ESLT Winter 2010 SierraScapesOn the Path to Perpetuity

Looking out into our next decade, ESLT has set the stage for completing a broad range of vital land conservation projects in this beautiful region. As outlined in our most recent Conservation Vision, we will focus primarily on partnering to preserve important ranches and farms, maintaining the viability of wildlife corridors, and finding options to assist landowners with remote parcels. Achieving these priorities will also ensure . . .

SierraScapes – Winter 2010 >>


Apache Silverspot butterflyOn the Wild Side – The Apache Silverspot
Butterfly enthusiasts know that the rare Speyeria rokomis apacheana, commonly known as the Apache Silverspot butterfly, is a prized resident of our Eastern Sierra region. This majestic and ebullient creature flutters through the eastern portion of the Great Basin from . . .

SierraScapes Winter 2010 >>


Enhancing Habitat for Native Fish in the Desert Through Partnerships
In early 2008 after working closely with several key partners, ESLT along with 4th generation landowner Bill Bramlette, achieved permanent protection for the important 900-acre Benton Hot Springs Ranch, ESLT’s largest conservation easement project to date. This property, just 6 miles southwest of the Nevada border, includes numerous springs and seeps, ponds, as wells as both wet and dry alkali meadows . . .

SierraScapes Winter 2010 >>