For the past summer and fall, ESLT has been cultivating our new garden. We harvested a variety of beautiful tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, peppers and other veggies. We saw birds feasting and bees happily buzzing. The garden provided a wonderful space for cultivating delicious fresh foods for us humans and nourishing birds, bees and butterflies.

And now, despite the chill in the air and the arrival of winter, the garden still continues to provide space for growing by cultivating relationships in our community. Recently, on a sunny, fall day ESLT had the opportunity to host a visit with the Mono Lake Committee, in the ESLT garden. This was an opportunity for the two organizations to update each other on their respective work in our region and with our communities. MLC staff and board members spent the morning enjoying the sunshine in ESLT’s garden while learning more about our work preserving vital lands in the region. And the garden continues to cultivate relationships with local community groups. A group of local Audubon birders came for a visit to establish the ESLT garden as a regular spot for birding in the spring. Again, we enjoyed a warm, fall morning discussing ways the garden could attract even more birds, bees and butterflies to enhance our pollinator’s paradise.

So while the garden may be waiting for spring to grow more vegetables, the ESLT garden still continues to provide space for growing relationships in our community. ESLT welcomes the use of the garden for cultivating vegetables and community. Do you know any local community groups that may want to “grow” in our garden?


Mono Lake Committee visits ESLT