Saturday, September 26th started out clear and warm, as local families and tourists headed to the Bishop City Park for our 3rd annual Living with Wildlife Festival. Many local wildlife organizations were on hand to answer questions, provide wildlife to hold, and activities for children to complete.
Karma the Red Tailed Hawk made a guest appearance with the Eastern Sierra Wildlife Care.
Eastern Sierra Wildlife Care had a booth with many snakes from around the world, many that children were able to hold. One young lady, who wanted to be a veterinarian, became good friends with one snake.
A young veterinarian in training holding a snake that was probably longer than she was tall.
Children stopped by the ESLT booth, where they completed a maze helping mule deer navigate the perils to their dinner of bitterbrush. Eastern Sierra Watershed project helped children make plaster of paris molds of wildlife tracks. Sierra Ceramic Mural Project taught children how to identify local wildlife and draw them, along with California Deer Association who brought mule deer antlers for people to hold and look at. And then Smokey the Bear arrived, and the crowd went wild.
A visiting cheerleading squad complete the mule deer maze at the ESLT booth.
Children choose which wildlife track they are going to make a plaster mold of with Eastern Sierra Watershed Project.
A group of Smokey the Bear fans pose for a photograph.
With over 250 people attending our 3rd annual Living With Wildlife Festival, all had a fun morning of education and sun. Thanks to our fantastic volunteers making this event a success: Cecilia for hanging flyers, Tom for pre-event set-up, and Rosanne and Karen for running the ESLT booth. I enjoyed every minute of it, and am looking forward to next year’s festival.
Hey, I read a lot of blogs on a daily basis and for the most part, people lack substance but, I just wanted to make a quick comment to say GREAT blog!…..I”ll be checking in on a regularly now….Keep up the good work! :)