Cancelled: In Harmony Music and Art Series
May 10, 2020 @ 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Our top priority is the health and safety of our staff, board of directors, and community. So in compliance with current #StayHome guidelines, we have cancelled this gathering. The Bill Schuck Quartet is working on fun new ways to host concerts for you online.
We look forward to bringing this event to you again on August 2nd and November 8th. We hope that the Bill Schuck Quartet and other local artists and guest musicians can return then for more festive celebrations of Eastside art, culture, and natural beauty!
Until then, you can use the link below to be inspired by the beautiful melodies of the Bill Schuck Quartet. Stay tuned, and stay healthy. With care, from the ESLT team.
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Please check back soon for new opportunities to get out, explore, and get involved in our conservation efforts here in the Eastern Sierra.