1. We discovered an imperiled and beautiful butterfly on one of our preserved properties this summer, confirmed by local naturalist, Derham Giuliani.
2. Our first financial audit (voluntary) report card: No significant deficiencies, just a few procedural improvements recommended. ESLT has brought over $5 million into our communities in our organizational lifetime!
3. All our important records are now in a new fireproof file cabinet in a safe location offsite.
4. We’re actively working on 12 land conservation projects stretching from Owens Lake to Sonora Junction, and actively tracking another 20 or so. These projects encompass over 8000 acres.
5. ESLT staff continues to keep smiling and working tirelessly to keep the Eastern Sierra beautiful despite two furlough days per month and cutbacks on some benefits.
6. ESLT Advisory Board member, Rusty Gregory of Mammoth Mountain Ski Area, graciously offered to host another fun celebration for ESLT in 2010. Many more exciting events are on the calendar.
7. ESLT has a wonderful team of volunteers doing everything from processing mailings to maintaining lands files to donating artwork to governing the organization. Our thank-you dinner for volunteers is scheduled for Dec. 7 on one of our easements. Invitations are in the mail.
8. S. David Freeman, who first proposed permanently preserving all the Los Angeles lands in the Eastern Sierra back before ESLT was born, is back on the job as acting LADWP General Manager, and he continues to be a man with a big, bright vision. Can there truly be the proverbial win-win solution?
9. Green thumbs abound among the ESLT staff three staffers just got accepted into the first-ever Master Gardener’s Program in Bishop!
10. Several board and staff members developed a taste for good Portland beer, huckleberries, and Oregon salmon at the Land Trust Alliance Rally last month and lived to tell about it.
Conservation projects in the works: Bridgeport Valley.