Help Preserve the Eastern Sierra for Future Generations
Making a gift of any kind to Eastern Sierra Land Trust is an act of generosity.
Making a long term gift for future generations creates a legacy.
“Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.”
– John Muir
The magnificent landscape of the Eastern Sierra region enriches the lives of residents, visitors, and people who admire it from afar. If you would like to maintain the special qualities of the Eastern Sierra well into the future, please consider a legacy gift to Eastern Sierra Land Trust.
A bequest to ESLT for the benefit of the lands of the Eastern Sierra enables future generations to enjoy the glorious landscape we all love.
Such a bequest expresses your values and high regard for this region. By making your wishes known through a charitable bequest to Eastern Sierra Land Trust, you will be helping to permanently preserve the Eastern Sierra region — now and for future generations.