Welcome! You’ll find information on ESLT’s upcoming events and recently posted blogs here. Thanks for visiting!
Upcoming Events
The Great Sierra River Cleanup is part of California Coastal Cleanup day. During 2023’s California Coastal Cleanup, 36,289 volunteers came out to 3,086 cleanups, 363,719 lbs of trash and recyclables were removed, and 1,335 miles …continue reading
We are tremendously grateful to our supporters for their remarkable generosity during ESLT’s 15th Annual Lands & Legacy Celebration! Our community came forward to ensure the protection of Eastern Sierra land and wildlife at this …continue reading
As the seasons change and holidays approach, we invite young artists to explore and express the theme of gratitude through their creative works. What does …continue reading
From the Blog
About ESLT
Eastern Sierra Land Trust works with willing landowners to protect vital lands in the Eastern Sierra region for their scenic, agricultural, natural, recreational, historical, and watershed values.
Rich in natural beauty and a strong agricultural tradition, the Eastern Sierra is steeped in the legacy of the Old West. Wildlife habitat is abundant and diverse, supporting fisheries, migrating deer herds, and important bird flyways. Historic working farms and ranches are scenic, historic, and an integral part of our local economy.
Yet today the Eastern Sierra faces a threat. Pressures to subdivide and develop are on the rise. Productive working lands and wildlife habitat are at risk of disappearing forever.
By partnering with forward-thinking landowners, agencies, and conservation supporters like you, our team at Eastern Sierra Land Trust (ESLT) is working with our community to conserve the Eastern Sierra for the future.
Since ESLT was founded in 2001, we have built a reputation for collaboration, dedication, and perseverance. What’s more, as a nationally-accredited land trust, we hold ourselves to rigorous standards of excellence in order to uphold your trust and ensure that our conservation efforts are permanent.
Our Program Areas
Working Farms & Ranches
Helping local families protect their working lands against rising pressures to subdivide. More
Critical Habitats
Conserving and restoring safe homes for the iconic wildlife that call the Eastern Sierra home. More
Community Connections
Connecting people to nature by providing opportunities to get outside, learn, and explore. More